
Archive for the ‘Overcoming self-doubts’ Category

If my high school graduating class had an award for “The Most Likely NOT to Succeed,” for many years I believed I would have received it. Sadly, my family reinforced that belief.

I felt God calling me to become a missionary, but my parents scoffed when I told them I wanted to go to college. “What makes you think you’re college material?” they said. They refused to provide any financial support.

Wheaton College, my first choice school, did not accept me, but I kept applying other places. Finally, a Bible college in Georgia accepted me.

I had been dating a sailor I met at the USO, but when I thought he was ready to “pop the question,” he broke up with me instead. I was heartbroken, but I clung to a tiny shred of hope. I told the Lord I would go to college unless he brought Paul back into my life. He did! Choosing to marry Paul 58 years ago was the best decision I’ve ever made except for my decision to follow Christ.

For many years the call to full-time Christian ministry was forgotten as I focused on raising three children. When I was asked to assume a leadership role in my church, I was stunned. Who, me? Didn’t they know I wasn’t qualified?

Even after I was regularly selling manuscripts to Christian periodicals and my first two books were published, I still struggled with feeling inferior and inadequate because I lacked a college education. I felt ashamed that I was just a high school graduate.

I never did go to college, but in the spring of 1999 my son graduated from college, my daughter graduated from medical school, and I received an honorary Litt.D. Even better than the Litt.D. was how the Lord had set me free years earlier from the shame I had carried far too long for not having a college degree. (That’s another story!)

I still need to be on guard against the evil one’s accusations that I’m not smart enough – that my failure to go to college limits what I’m able to do. But as someone once told me, “I’ve been homeschooled by the Father, and only special kids are homeschooled.”

On those days when I feel overwhelmed and vulnerable, Father brings to mind Scriptures like the one below.
Whose voice do you listen to?

Have you cut the tapes of hurtful things
people said about you in the past?

What Scriptures have you buried in your heart
that encourage you to not give up?

Click here if you missed my mini-zoom workshop last night on the blueprint for our writing found in Habakkuk 2:2. At 16 minutes I encountered glitches. But keep watching and listening. Father is able to use all things to teach us more about Him. I think you’ll be encouraged to press on when you encounter obstacles and need to reach out to others for help.

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I’ve often said if anyone had told me when I was a teen that God was calling me to a writing and speaking ministry, I would have said, “A loving God would never do that to me!”

The truth is I hated English in high school, and I died a slow death the entire semester I sat in the required public speaking class dreading the day that would come when I would have to stand up and give a speech. I didn’t know how I would survive. Obviously, I did, and I think I even got a decent grade.

Still, I determined that would be my one and only time to risk making a fool of myself. Fear was my friend, and I would allow it to keep me safely in my seat!

Years passed and, amazingly, I found myself wanting to speak–well not up front behind a microphone. I was part of a small Sunday school class that was focused on discussing the difference it makes to be a Christian. I really wanted to participate, but by the time I mentally rehearsed what I would say the conversation had moved way beyond where I was at.

Everyone in the class was college educated and incredibly articulate. We had two lawyers (who loved to debate), a medical doctor, and a seminary professor. I felt ashamed that I was only a high school graduate.

But God didn’t allow me to remain silent. Despite my pounding heart and nervous tummy I did begin to add my “two cents” even though I doubted they were worth much.

What happened about a year later is still hard to believe. Before I could run, I was voted president of the class and was coerced into teaching Sunday school. Seriously? What on earth were they thinking?

By then I had begun writing for publication believing the sales I made to Christian periodicals could take the place of a college degree and qualify me to serve God full time as I had longed to do since I was a teen.

But what happened one night almost silenced me forever. As class president, I had been encouraging the formation of small groups. That evening about fifteen people met. Following my instructions, each one created a montage of what they believed God was calling them to do with their life.

When my turn came to share my montage, I said, “I believe God is calling me to a nationwide speaking and writing ministry.”

No one said anything! I felt my cheeks getting hot and wished I could saw a hole in the floor and vanish out of sight.

That mortifying evening was about 40 years ago. Since then I’ve served on the faculty of over 70 Christian writers conferences and given my one and two-day writing seminars over 50 times around the nation. The joy I feel as I speak at these events and at the 58 conferences I have directed is so much greater than my fear ever was. Best of all, I feel His pleasure knowing I am doing what He created me to do.

If God is calling you to write, more than likely that call (whether it’s part of your plan or not) is also to speak, especially if you write nonfiction. If that fills you with fear, know that God does not want you to live in the land of fear. Because He loves you, He will give you opportunities to face your fear and with His help to overcome it.

The May 15-18 Colorado Christian Writers Conference not only offers a six-hour continuing session on “Speaking and Writing” but also a six-hour Speaker’s Clinic. Led by KPOF Christian radio personality, Roy Hanschke, who has coached beginning and seasoned speakers for over 18 years.

If you’ve been avoiding the challenge to begin the speaking part of your ministry or need to improve what you’re already doing, this clinic (limited to 8 participants) is for you! Roy will help you 1) discover your ministry focus and how to talk about it (power statements), 2) organize one of your talks to maximize time and effectiveness (message development), 3) present your talk with power and pizzazz (voice personality), and 4) market your message through radio (media mania). You’ll have an opportunity to test what you learn and receive helpful evaluation from Roy and your peers.

For more info and the needed application
due by April 15 http://colorado.writehisanswer.com/clinics2019

It’s often said that writing and speaking go hand in hand. That’s why I’m grateful that CCWC offered Roy’s Speakers’ Clinic. Roy is a dynamic example of “show don’t tell” as he actually demonstrates different methods of effective communication. Each participant had the opportunity to try out Roy’s suggestions in a safe and encouraging atmosphere. We learned from each other and went home with a notebook full of useful instructions on how to become a more skillful communicator.
Sue Cameron – Augusta, GA

Father, thank You that You did not let my fear of speaking and lack of a college education stop me from serving You. Thank You that I am no longer ashamed that I am just a high school graduate and for giving me so much joy in doing what I thought I could never do.

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beatrice bruno



Guest Blog
by Beatrice Bruno

The Write Drill Sergeant for YOU!







And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. And when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. And He laid His hands on her: and immediately she was made straight,
and glorified God.

Luke 13:11-13 KJV

Replace this precious woman with yourself. She was ill for 18 years. Her body bent over preventing her from standing straight. She needed healing.

Think about yourself. What is the infirmity keeping you from writing? Doubt. Unbelief. Skepticism. Fear. What is holding you back from completing the book, articles, Bible studies, etc., inside of you? Are you limiting yourself because you just don’t believe you can do it? Are you holding yourself back because of what someone else has said to you about your being a writer? Well . . .

Writer, Thou Art Loosed!

I can guarantee that many, if not all writers have been right where you are right now. Some have overcome their infirmities; some have not. At what stage are you?

I am bringing my key training for writers, Writer, Thou Art Loosed! to the May 15-18 Colorado Christian Writer’s Conference. Let me share a little of my writing journey with you.

Because of Doubt! Fear! Unbelief! it took me 10 years to write and publish my first book! I completed and published that first book in 2004 . . . while working as a team truck driver with my husband, no less! Since then, I have authored four other books, articles, and Bible studies as well as ghostwritten four books for my clients. And the number is increasing . . . because I got Loosed!

I had to get over myself and get out of my own way so I could write the first book inside of me! I had to give myself permission to believe I could write a book!

Are you in that space? Do you want to get LOOSED?

Writer, Thou Art Loosed! is designed to help participants get a different view of themselves, a view or perspective that will remove limitations and barriers possibly preventing them from writing that book, article, etc.

Participants will also complete intensive writing and perspective exercises. For three hours of class time on Wednesday, May 15, The Write Drill Sergeant will focus on the you and what you truly need to believe, Writer, Thou Art Loosed!

Give yourself permission to get Loosed so you can write the book that wants to be birthed inside of you.

Your reading audience is waiting!

Sign up today! Don’t miss out!

I look forward to spending time with you!

Writer, Thou Art Loosed!

Learning Lab
Writer, Thou Art Loosed!

Wednesday, May 15
1:00 – 4:00 pm
Cost $40
(Coming only on Wednesday – $65)
Click here for more info and pre-class writing assignment. Click here to register.

Beatrice Bruno is an Army veteran and former (but always and forever) Drill Sergeant. An ordained gospel minister and life and writing coach, Beatrice loves showing folks how to get over themselves and let go of the PAST. Having trained over 2,000 Basic Training soldiers through Army Basic Training to graduation, she has seen characters who run the gamut from straight-arrow to cone-head! Many of these real life characters will find their way into her fictional characters in her books.

And now, Beatrice has crossed over into an area few, if any, look forward to – Widowhood. Married for 27+ years to John who passed away in August of 2018, Beatrice has raised four children – his, hers, and theirs – to adulthood. Beatrice is now looking for her new normal…if there is such a thing…after losing her beloved husband.

Beatrice is spreading her wings as a novelist and creating the series, The Baby Chronicles, Volume 1, which includes the GI Josephines (Volume 2) and the Soldiers of the Lord (Volume 3). But Beatrice will not stop there. A mind for the unusual Christian experience, Beatrice is also working on Lara Rose, HGPI. Ask her what that acronym means and she will be glad to share it with you.

Beatrice’s passion is in helping others to write the books God has given them to write. Inside of each individual writer, Beatrice believes God has planted a seed within that will glorify Him and edify His creation.

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a-full-inboxFive days! It’s taken me five days to resolve the latest problem with my Outlook email – a problem that four Geek Squad techs spent over eight hours trying, unsuccessfully, to fix!

Somehow my Outlook folders got corrupted and scrambled. The folder properties showed they contained emails, but they would not open. And, again, the same as last May, the folders that were affected (or infected?) were critically important conference folders.

More times than I can count I’ve told Father, “I can’t. I CAN’T do this!” The deadly Ds of doubt, discouragement, and yes, even despair have almost defeated me. But I’ve not told Father “I won’t.” And thanks to the prayers of many and the Facebook friend who told me about “Kernel for Outlook PST Repair” I’m finally able to retrieve the emails I need to complete the website and brochure for the May 15-18 Colorado Christian Writers Conference and finish planning the August 8-10 Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference.

I admit there were times I asked myself, “Why? Why go through all this stress? Why not quit?” know Father has called me to direct the Colorado and Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference. He hasn’t promised it would be easy or that I would be immune from the evil one’s efforts to defeat me. But He has promised to be with me and  has again confirmed that He is using the conferences in Ephesians 3:20 ways.

I am so encouraged by Eric Sprinkle’s testimony below.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhile reading updates on all the mayhem in Marlene’s life these last few months, I couldn’t help but wonder, “What if the CCWC (Colorado Christian Writers Conference) went away? What if it had never even been around these last five years?”

It didn’t take long to reflect on the impact Marlene’s conference has had on my own personal publishing career lately.

As an overwhelmed first-timer back in 2013, I clearly remember clumsily trying to find conference rooms, manage armloads of notes, chat with people over lunch, and keep up with numerous sessions all ranging from editing tips, improving your writing, and the potential growth of something called IndiPub.

Fast forward to 2018 where I was able to serve on Faculty, facilitate training sessions, field hundreds of IndiPub questions, and finally end the year with my name listed on two books…as Author.

So amazing.

And where did I even begin to learn all the ins-and-outs of the Indi Publishing process? At CCWC.

  • Where did I find the typesetter for my projects? At CCWC.
  • Where did I find our book’s cover artist? He’s a good friend…of a guy we met at CCWC.
  • My branding manager? He was my roommate three years ago at the conference.
  • Where did I meet my Editor? Okay, she’s a member of my small group Bible study, but where did I meet my brilliant co-author? Yup, only just the year before, at Marlene’s CCWC in Estes Park, Colorado.

I can hardly believe all that God has done in my life, and in my writing, since that first conference five years ago, but I do know that oh, so much of it has been a direct result of the time, the teaching, and the people attending the Colorado Christian Writers Conference these last few years.

How has God used these very same things in your life recently? How could he impact you through the people and training you’d experience by attending this year?

My name’s Eric Sprinkle, author of some crazy fun devotionals called Adventure Devos, and Adventure Devos: Women’s Edition, and I can’t imagine either one of these books being a realty, except for our gracious Lord God using an amazing writers conference, located in the heart of the Colorado wilderness.

God is speaking, and the mountains are calling. I look forward to seeing all of you at this year’s CCWC in May!

2019 CO banner & website2019 GP Banner 2

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“Do you believe, do you really believe God can use you?”

When Michael Gantt spoke those words about ten years ago in a keynote at the Colorado Christian Writers Conference, the presence of the Lord was so powerful. I know lives were changed in that moment. Mine certainly was.

Even though I’d been directing the Colorado conference for about 12 years and the Philly conference (that I founded) for about 25 years (it’s now 35 years), the “deadly Ds” were a frequent companion.

If God has called you to “write His answer,” then if you’ve not yet encountered the deadly Ds of Disappointments, Doubts, Discouragement, and even Despair, the good news is that you will.

This is good news? Yes! First, it’s evidence that you are a threat to the evil one. And second, it will cause you to draw more and more close to the Lord and to depend on Him.

The journey to publication is not easy. Sadly, many give up.

For 22 years the Colorado Christian Writers Conferences has “encouraged and equipped Christians to write about a God who is real, who is reachable, and who changes lives.”

Every year He meets us on the mountain. He gives hope, courage, direction . . . He draws us into CCWC’s family of writers where deep, forever friendships are formed.

He may open the door to publication if you and your writing are ready. If not, you can be certain you’ll receive the instruction you need to keep growing your writing skills. In addition, you’ll receive valuable feedback in one-on-one appointments (more than at any other conference) with our faculty of 59 agents, editors, and authors.

Do you believe God can use you?

It’s not too late to register for the May 16-19 CCWC. Time payments can be arranged if needed. God will make a way. Trust Him!


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Lord, when doubts fill my mind,
when my heart is in turmoil,
quiet me and give me
renewed hope and cheer.
Psalm 94:19 TLB

You try, really try to be positive, to not doubt your ability or your call.

You affirm His promises. “He is able to do far more . . .”

But you may be feeling stuck – blocked. Words are not flowing. You may fear that your creativity has dried up.

And you feel alone. Friends and family who are not writers don’t “get” you. Why do you keep banging your head against a blank computer screen or tossing it (the screen, not your head!) out the window?

computer airbag 781

(Used with permission.)

Yes, writing is a lonely task. And yes, disappointments, doubts, discouragement (the “Deadly Ds”) will nip at your heels. But I’ve searched the Scriptures. Jesus never promised it would be easy to follow Him. And it is definitely not easy to “write His answer” to those who are lost and so wounded by life they want to give up.

But I believe, really believe, that God can use the words you write to impact lives now and for eternity. That’s why, despite the disappointments, doubts, and discouragement I also face, I choose to affirm my call

to encourage and equip you
to write about a God who is real,
who is reachable,
and who changes lives.

It’s why I said yes to direct the Write to Impact Lives Conference February 9-10 in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, and why I didn’t cancel the conference when the sponsoring organization had to back out. The workload has been daunting in the midst of also planning the May 16-19 Colorado and July 26-28 Greater Philly Christian Writers ConferenceBut I’m praising God that the 16-page brochure for the Colorado conference is at the printer a week earlier than last year! Amazing, but then we serve an amazing God!

I know it’s been a cold winter, and it’s tempting to stay warm in your cozy home rather than venture out to a February conference. And I know budgets are tight, and it may seem wiser to save your money for a conference where you can pitch your ideas and manuscripts to editors and agents.

But the Write to Impact Lives Conference is about sharpening your writing and marketing skills so you will be better prepared to create interest in your work at future conferences. And it’s about fellowship with other writers and the encouragement we need to receive and to give.

I believe Father is asking me to “sweeten the deal” and give you “more bang for your buck.” My words, not His! And so, for new registrants and those who have already registered, I’m including three books that support the purpose of this conference.

New WHA cover


My Bible study for writers that addresses the struggles we face and must overcome.

Communicate Change Lives


Jim Watkins’ book that I believe every Christian writer needs to read.

CWMG 2018
The info you need to find markets for your work as well as literary agents, writers conferences and seminars, writers groups, editorial services, publicity and marketing services, and contests.

The three books sell for $44.97 on Amazon ($37.99 through the Write His Answer Bookstore), but if you register for the entire conference, you will receive them free of charge (or the equivalent value in other books we’ll have for sale).

The price increases February 1 so don’t delay. Again, please do not let the cost prevent you from coming. Ask Father to make the way possible. If friends, family, or your church are unable to help, email me (mbagnull@aol.com) or call me (484-991-8581) to request scholarship help or time payments.

Click here for more information and to register for a conference that will help you not to feel alone, strengthen your call, and equip you to write to impact lives.

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What is the biggest obstacle you face in accomplishing what God has called you to do?

For me, it’s faith – or rather, to be honest, lack of faith.

Despite all the amazing things I have seen Him do, when faced with a new challenge, I still struggle to trust Him. Some mountains seem too big, too steep, too treacherous. It’s easier to question His call, to explain why I’m not the best person for the assignment, to suggest He choose someone else who is more qualified.

But then, I remember,

 You can never please God without faith, without depending on him.
Hebrews 11:6 (TLB)

I think of the exciting adventures I would have missed if I’d said no. More than that, I would have missed the lessons learned through needing to depend on Him. Most of all, I would have grieved the One who has been and is so faithful.

What mountain are you facing? How can I pray for you?

~ *~ *~ * ~

To encourage you as you climb your mountain:

Written by the women who are part of Linda Evans Shepherd’s Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA). Click here for a free subscription.



I’ve been a member since Linda founded AWSA seventeen years ago.  It’s an incredible group of over 450 women. Click here to view a message from Linda and receive a free gift.





Between the Lamp Posts front cover





I was blessed to edit this book last fall and was so impressed with it that I purchased copies for fifteen of my friends for Christmas. I encourage you to visit Becky’s website and watch her video where she talks about why she wrote this devotional book. There is also a link to order it from Amazon or Kindle.




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Obstacle # 4 – Self-doubts

This is a biggee for me and for most writers.

Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins

― Walter D. Wintle

The  bottom line? It’s normal to have self-doubts. In fact, it’s far better to doubt our abilities and thus, hopefully, to be teachable than to have an inflated ego.  But it’s critical that we not doubt the One who has called us and who promises:
Now you have every grace and blessing; every spiritual gift and power for doing his will are yours during this time of waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 1:7 (TLB)

Nurturing our doubts not only can cause us to give up before we even begin, we grieve our Heavenly Father when we focus on our self-doubts rather than Him.

I’ve written a lot about self-doubts in my book, Write His Answer – A Bible Study for Christian Writers and on this blog. See my June 2013 post and the link you’ll find in it to an interview with best-selling author Joel Rosenberg and his battle with self-doubts.

Obstacle # 5 – Lack of fellowship with other writers

I will always be grateful for the pastor who paid the way for me to go to my first writers’ conference about 45 years ago. Little did I know that conference would change my life and lead to a 35 year ministry directing the Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference and 22 year ministry directing the Colorado Christian Writers Conference. Both 2018 conferences are in the planning stages with registration scheduled to open February 1 for Philly and April 1 for Philly. I’ll begin posting info on the websites soon.

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But a once-a-year conference isn’t enough! Check out the new day and a half Write to Impact Lives Conference February 9-10 in Lansdale, PA.

Feb banner

Beyond going to conferences, you need to be part of a critique group. A morning group meets one Thursday morning a month in my Lansdale home. An evening group for advanced writers also meets in my home every other Thursday evening. For info go to http://writehisanswer.com/critiquegroups. Sorry men. Both groups are for ladies only.

CWMG 2018
You’ll find info on critique groups around the nation in The Christian Writers Market Guide 2018. This 578-page must-have resource is available through the Write His Answer Bookstore for $19.99 (retail $22.99). It’s also available through a monthly subscription.

I also encourage you to subscribe to The Christian Communicator to keep your Market Guide updated and for helpful articles.

I’ve been writing for the Lord for 45 years, so I’ve got more obstacles to address and how to overcome them. That’s the key – not to be blindsided by them. We need to remember the Girl Scout motto, “Be prepared!”

Click here for a Goal Planning Chart that includes columns for expected obstacles and how you will overcome them along with Scripture promises to claim.

I’d love to hear what obstacles you are facing and to pray for you.

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Faith rockThere are surely no coincidences with the Lord!

Well over a month ago, my pastor asked me to teach Sunday school April 23. “I’d like you to look at the issues around Thomas and his doubting,” Pastor Jay said.

Okay. I could do that. What I didn’t know was how much I needed to do that.

It’s taken the better part of today to pull together my thoughts. A good bit of that time I spent online watching videos of the events surrounding Jesus’ death and Resurrection. I felt the disciples’ pain when Jesus said He was leaving and their despair when He died.

Suddenly Jesus stood among them — alive! But Thomas wasn’t there. Despite the exuberant witness of his friends, Thomas insisted that he would not believe until he saw Jesus face-to-face — until he touched His wounds.

Why did Thomas doubt? I suspect he was too afraid to believe. What if his friends were mistaken? The risk of facing the Deadly Ds that had already threatened to destroy him was just too great. The pain of more disappointment, discouragement, and disillusionment was more than he could handle. It was easier to doubt than to believe.

Scripture assures us:

Those who believe in Christ will never be disappointed.
Romans 10:11 TLB

But do we believe it, really believe it?

Doubts are my frequent companion as I struggle to stay on top of the countless details of directing not one but two Christian writers conferences. I feel inadequate and fearful that I won’t be able to get everything done in time. Despite His faithfulness the past 33 years I’ve directed the Philly conference and the 20 years I’ve directed Colorado, I doubt not Him but myself.

Then once again I’m reminded of the first words I ever felt Him speak to my spirit:

Child, I never promised it would be easy to follow Me,
but I have promised always to be with you.

There are days I long to escape to a place where I have everything under control. But there really is no such place — at least not if I’m to follow where He leads. And such a place would be devoid of the joy of knowing His enabling to do what I can never do in my own strength. So I choose to keep on keeping on, fixing my eyes on Jesus my leader and instructor who for the joy set before Him endured the cross.

What about you? Will you give Him your doubts and step out in faith to do what He is calling you to do?

Lord, when doubts fill my mind,
when my heart is in turmoil,
quiet me and give me renewed hope & cheer.
Psalm 94:19 TLB

P.S. Tradition says that Thomas travelled to India where he established churches and was martyred for his faith. Click here for several powerful scenes from The Life of Jesus, The Gospel of John.

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Do you feel called to “write His answer” and yet struggle with self-doubts?

Truthfully, through working with hundreds of writers through the years, I find that the those who have a message that needs to be published are the ones most likely to be crippled by self-doubts.

I shudder when I think of how many times I almost gave up because my self-doubts were so loud and insistent. Why would anyone want to read what I wrote? What made me think that I could write for the Lord? I wasn’t qualified! How could He possibly use someone who was only a high school graduate? I felt ashamed and woefully inadequate.

cross in sand

How it must have grieved the Lord when I failed to see
that the Cross turns my minus into a plus –
when I believed the lies of the evil one instead of His promises.

And how much time I wasted in my self-centered and selfish focus on my doubts instead of on the needs Father was calling me to address through the words He would give me if I would just trust Him.

I’m so grateful that I didn’t give up despite the deadly Ds of disappointments, doubts, and discouragement. And I continue to thank the Lord for my pastor who sent me to my first writers conference. That was over 40 years ago, and that conference changed my life!

Today I have the privilege and joy of directing not just one but two Christian writers conferences. Registration is now open for the July 26-29 Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference, our 34th year of ministry.

The website has not yet been proofread and I still have lots more info to add, but the list of 53 faculty and descriptions of our 20 early bird workshops, 8 continuing sessions, 42 workshops, and 4 clinics are online. Faculty photos, bios, and info on this year’s Teens Write will be coming soon.


And it’s not too late to register for the May 17-20 Colorado Christian Writers Conference and to request free one-on-one appointments with the faculty of 56 agents, editors, and authors. It’s also not too late to apply for a clinic:

Fiction Clinic with Jim & Tracie Peterson
Nonfiction Book Clinic with Craig Bubeck
Speakers’ Clinic with Roy Hanschke

But do it now! (That’s a great motto for writers who are tempted to procrastinate.) The April 15 price has been extended through today, April 18.


Father, thank You for the ideas You have planted within us and for holding them and us safely in Your hands. Help us to believe, to really believe in You and the gifts You have entrusted to us and expect us to use to build Your Kingdom.

God never changes his mind
when he gives gifts
or when he calls someone.

Romans 11:29 GW

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