
Archive for the ‘Craft of writing’ Category

Thanksgiving has ushered in
the Christmas season.
I am sobered
not so much by the calories
I have consumed
as by the contrasts I see.

There is plenty and want,
joy and grief,
love and hatred,
hope and despair,
the real and the artificial.

Father, help me to see You
and to share Your love.
Move me to give
as Your Son gave
when He willingly went
from the manger to the cross.

Let there be a difference in me
that is visible and credible –
that points others to Jesus Christ,
Our Savior and only hope.

The reality of children going hungry – even right here in America – as I eat more than I should (and more than I need), deeply concerns me. And then there is the grim forecast of global famines of ‘biblical proportions’ [that] will be caused by coronavirus pandemic.

About 40 years ago I read What Do You Say to a Hungry World? by Stan Mooneyham* who was then president of World Vision. His words were convicting and compelled me to organize the “Hands Reaching Out” Community Hunger Bazaar. Over 100 women from 17 churches created handmade crafts to put food into the hands of women whose hands were empty. We raised almost $4,000 in the handcrafts we sold at the day-long bazaar.

Grace and Weight | Write His Answer MinistryToday, rather than teaching women how to make sand paintings, wreaths, and Moravian stars in classes in homes and churches, my hands are now better put to use editing and publishing books for others as well as writing my own books. My latest, Grace and Weight – Encouragement for Dieters, is a book I began 37 years ago. (Click here for the God-story and an excerpt.) Karen Linamen Bouchard, author of Just Hand Over the Chocolate and No One Will Get Hurt, says:

“Perfect for gift-giving, solo reading, or reading with friends, this book delivers inspiration and grace for the journey. Any book dealing with weight can be a tricky item to give to someone, right? But Marlene’s writing is so authentic, heartwarming, and encouraging that anyone who receives it will consider it a blessing.”    

Grace and Weight came off press this week and is available on Amazon. Set up a SmileAmazon account and 0.5% of your eligible purchases will go to the charity of your choice. Or order directly from me, and I will donate 10% of the purchase price to Becky Spencer’s Grand Staff Ministries to the children of e-Swatina (formerly Swaziland). The need, as Becky shares each year at the Colorado Christian Writers Conference**, is so great.

“Children in Swaziland, Africa, are as vulnerable as ever.  Burying parents who have died with AIDS, being driven from homesteads of relatives who don’t want them, foraging for food in the forests, stealing food from street vendors, and worst of all, finding themselves victims of deceived individuals who believe that AIDS can be cured by relations with a virgin.” 

As you shop for Christmas gifts, please check out the Write His Answer bookstore. Today I added over 60 writing how-to books plus you’ll finds books I edited, Ampelos Press titles I published, and lots of other books that I recommend – over 200 in all. I will gladly donate 10% of the price of any titles you purchase now through Christmas to Becky’s Grand Staff Ministries. Together we can make a difference!

“Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you?
Or thirsty and give you something to drink?”
Jesus will say, “I tell you the truth,
when you did it to one of the least of these
my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!”

Matthew 25:37, 40 (NLT)

*Stan is home with the Lord and his book is out of print, but you can find it at BookFinder4U.com.

**I am hopeful that the May 12-15, 2021, Colorado Christian Writers Conference will be held in person at the YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park Center with the faculty and program that was in place for 2020. Visit the website at https://colorado.WriteHisAnswer.com. If the coronavirus continues to make it unsafe to meet, the Colorado and Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference will be virtual. I do not yet have a date for the Greater Philly conference, but the faculty is partially planned (see https://philadelphia.WriteHisAnswer.com).

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This is a great learning opportunity that I HIGHLY recommend!

One free registration available.

Email me at mbagnull@aol.com and tell me why you believe God has called you to write a novel.
Include the title & a 50-100 word description.
How far along are you in your work-in-progress?
Deadline to apply: October 5, 2020

The Art of Writing and Christy Award Webinar Series for writers, storytellers, and publishing curators. Live-streamed every Thursday, October 8 to November 12. Recordings available on-demand for 30 days to those who register.

The Christy Award® is a program of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) and is the foremost award honoring and promoting excellence in Christian fiction since 1999.

For more information about ECPA, visit ECPA.org. 

For more information about the Christy Awards and Art of Writing conferences, visit ChristyAwards.com or email TheChristyAward@ecpa.org

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With the Colorado and Greater Philly Christian Writers Conferences not happening this year, I’m still faced with ongoing expenses. Please help by purchasing books from the Write His Answer bookstore. I’ve just added seven more books and discounted all of them. It makes no sense (or cents) to have money tied up in books I purchased for the conferences especially when those same books can help you grow your writing and marketing skills.

Whether you are traditionally published or have self-published, most all the work of finding buyers for your book is your responsibility and challenge. I love Cheri Cowell and Michelle Booth’s approach in this book. Their heart is in the right place, and the info they provide is very helpful. Both have served on the faculty of CCWC and GPCWC. I highly recommend this book.

If you want to be traditionally published, a well-crafted book proposal is essential. Terry’s vast experience in publishing, including as an acquisition editor, makes this a must-read book. Even if you choose to go indie, you’ll find a lot of helpful info. Terry has served on the faculty of CCWC & GPCWC, and I highly recommend this book too.

Three helpful books for novelists:

The Crown of Excellence
for Book Marketing

by Susan G Mathis

Don’t we all want a marketing crown? One that lets us know we’re successful as an author with all the marketing efforts we do? I sure would. But how can we measure that, see that, know that?

Last year’s debut CAN Crown Awards did just that, and our winners showed us some wonderful results for their work. You can, too.

Measuring marketing excellence, especially as an author has been too elusive for too long. But the Christian Authors Network (CAN) has developed tangible, measurable marketing standards of excellence to help Christian authors know that their marketing for books, book series, or brand if effective. After all, that’s why CAN exists!

Authors are often unsure, fearful, or reticent to tout their marketing work. And every time there’s a new platform to learn, well, our marketing confidence can be shaken. Can you relate?

What if someone showed you what a successful marketing plan looked like and how to plan to succeed by example? What if being recognized for marketing excellence earned an award—a crown— that continued to gain marketing and media attention?

Welcome to the Christian Authors Network #CANCROWN AWARDS. These awards recognize, educate, and encourage excellence in marketing and promotion skills of Christian authors. 

Christian authors want to get their books, book series, and brands out to readers, retailers, and librarians. The messages in those books reflect the love and glory of God. But without an excellent marketing plan that very message may go unread. The #CANCrown Awards recognize authors for their excellence in marketing and media, and being a winner gives you continued credibility long after the contest.

By highlighting stellar examples and recognizing marketing and media expertise, the #CANCrown Awards helps all of us as authors. There are three categories for books, book series, and author brands:

• Visual Media

• Broadcasting

• Web Presence 

These three categories evaluate the author’s physical materials, social media, major media, websites, blogs, and newsletters respectively. Therefore, the purpose of CAN Crown Awards is: To recognize, educate, and encourage excellence in marketing and promotion skills of all Christian authors.

The CAN Crown Awards Celebrate Excellence
in Christian Media and Marketing by Authors.

The CAN Crown Awards

Time is limited; the CAN Crown Awards close August 31, 2020.

Judges are independent professionals with knowledge in marketing and media. Finalists will be announced and will receive finalist logos/badges for their websites and materials.

The Christian Authors Network will announce the finalists in advance of the Crown Award Celebration. The virtual Crown Awards will be presented in November. Winners (Gold, Silver, and Bronze) will be awarded at the virtual Crown Awards. Presentations will include an overview of each winners’ campaign to an audience of filmmakers, publishing industry, and then out into the public to reach readers, retailers, and librarians.

The Christian Authors Network will also partner with authors to share finalist and winning entries to bring attention to these excellent author marketing plans. We’ll promote the winners through the many  #CANCrown Awards channels of influence—all for the price of entry.

Award design and entry pages are on the CAN website. 

Cost per entry: $40 CAN Members/$80 non-members.

Access the entry forms on our CAN Website: https://christianauthorsnetwork.com/can-crown-awards/


What’s CAN? Christian Authors Network. Check us out here: https://christianauthorsnetwork.com 

Hurry! Time’s ticking. We’ll be watching for your entry and will enjoy connecting with you.

Susan G Mathis, Christian Authors Network vice president

About Susan:

Susan G Mathis is an award-winning, multi-published author of stories set in the beautiful Thousand Islands, her childhood stomping ground in upstate NY. Her first two books of The Thousand Islands Gilded Age series, Devyn’s Dilemma and Katelyn’s Choice are available now, and she’s working on book three. The Fabric of Hope: An Irish Family Legacy, Christmas Charity, and Sara’s Surprise are also available. Visit www.SusanGMathis.com for more.

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Stories made a huge impact on me when I was growing up.

I remember the 12 volumes of My Book House, trips to the library and the armful of books I’d lug home, my promises to do the dishes just as soon as I got to the end of a chapter . . .

Stories were my escape from a painful childhood. The friends I made in the pages of the books I read helped take the place of the real-life friends I lacked.

When I became a teenager, I discovered Taylor Caldwell’s Tender Victory and Lloyd C. Douglas’ The Robe. I devoured The Silver Chalice, The Big Fisherman, and all the biblical fiction I could find.

I’m so grateful that God led me to fiction that drew me into a relationship with Him.

The power of fiction, of story, continues to impact lives either drawing readers to, or away from, the One who loves us so much that He willingly endured the agony of the Cross.

What about you and the stories He is calling you to write?

Dave Lambert, leader of the Fiction Intensive Clinic at the May 15-18 Colorado Christian Writers Conference, says:

Learning to write fiction is like learning to play the piano. You don’t just get up one morning and decide you are ready to give a classical piano concert, any more than you suddenly decide you’re ready to write a novel. You have to master an extensive list of skills, and you have to be able to make it all seem effortless.

“This clinic can put you in position to become a better novelist with each book. We’ll examine some of the more advanced techniques: character growth and change, creating believable character emotion, voice, exposition, a sense of place, style, conveying meaning through implication, and more.”

Dave Lambert is a fiction writer, editor, and teacher with more than 40 years of experience including more than 20 years as the former senior fiction editor at Howard Publishing, a division of Simon & Schuster, and former executive editor for fiction at Zondervan. As the owner of Lambert Editorial, he has been serving publishers and authors since 2003.

This clinic will be an intensive, hands-on workshop for SIX serious novelists that will help you with your work-in-progress as well as your fiction technique in general. If you’re selected to participate, you will receive a full hour’s worth of critique of the 25-page sample you will submit—a half-hour from the group, and a half-hour from Dave in a one-on-one. He will identify your strengths as a novelist, as well as the areas in which you need to grow, and provide the guidance you need to improve your writing significantly.

To be considered for this clinic you must have previous publication of some type, either traditionally or independently. Local, regional, or online publication okay. Your application (click here) and no more than 25 pages of your work-in-progress, either novel or short stories, must be submitted by April 20.

Thank You, Father, for how I KNOW You will use Dave’s Fiction Intensive to equip the six participants to write fiction that will change lives!

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I’m looking forward to another “Super Saturday” with Lancaster Christian Writers on April 6. Every year I bring my Write His Answer bookstore and spend the day meeting and praying with conferees. I hope to see you there!

LCW 2019

With just TWO WEEKS until Lancaster Christian Writers’ Super Saturday 2019!! April 6th, 2019, we are looking forward to a wonderful time with outstanding keynoters and workshop leaders such as bestselling novelist Ronie Kendig; agent, editor, author Dave Fessenden; historical novelist Rita Gerlach; editor and author Hope Flinchbaugh; publisher, maketing expert, and novelist JP Robinson. 

CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: The conference schedule is now posted along with workshop and faculty descriptions, flyer, press release, as well as registration, and payment forms on LCW’s webpage (see right column) . Please help us get the word out by sharing FLYER, and PRESS RELEASE with your social, church, school, and family networks.

PREREGISTRATION: A reminder that the preregistration rate of $55 is due by Wednesday, April 3rd. This means actual payment. If you register online planning to pay day of event, cost will be the walk-in rate of $65. Seventh-twelfth grade aspiring writers are also welcome at a two-for-one rate, or half-off if accompanying a parent, which includes lunch buffet (inquire individually about attendance for students under 7th grade). Payment can be made online (http://lancasterchristianwriterstoday.blogspot.com/), or mail check/ money order payable to: Lancaster Christian Writers, c/o Jeanette Windle, 1776 Euclid Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601. 


  • Please pray with us that God will bring those conferees to whom this event will be a blessing.
  • Please pray as well as for the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of our faculty.
  • Please pray too for safe travel and arrival at LBC of our faculty, our conference bookstore director, and all our conferees.
  • Registrations are currently uncharacteristically low for this time frame before conference, so please pray with us that we will have enough conferees to at least cover costs of conference (and if you haven’t sent in YOUR registration, consider doing so soon!)

More information can be found at Lancaster Christian Writers Today (http://lancasterchristianwriterstoday.blogspot.com/) OR email LCW president Jeanette Windle at jeanette@jeanettewindle.com.


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Susan King Jan 2019




Guest blog
by Susan King
Associate Editor
The Upper Room






#1 – Reach: Magazines have the potential to reach more people with your message. For instance, if you’re published in The Upper Room, with more than three million subscribers, you reach a readership that very few book writers can match.

#2 – Turnaround Time: Even today—with some publishers using print-on-demand—a book can take 18 months until its release. The average lead time for magazines is one to six months. Think about the many months required to write a book but an article may take only a few hours. And the per-word compensation for an article is astronomically higher than for the average book.

#3 – Faster Payment: Periodicals often pay upon acceptance. Even if they pay on publication, your wait is much shorter than with a book.

#4 – Writing Credits: Experience in writing for periodicals looks good to publishers of that future book. First, it tells book publishers that other editors liked your stuff—over and over again. Also, it shows your versatility in being able to write on a variety of topics and in a variety of formats. And some magazines allow you to include your book credits along with a short bio printed with your piece, so you add to your platform for plugging any book you’ve written.

#5 – Instant Feedback: Feedback comes more quickly than responses to a book. Even if your feedback is mostly flat rejections, it will do what all feedback should: help you learn, grow, improve, and be willing to adapt your writing to the requirements of a variety of outlets.

#6 – Variety: Creative people are naturally drawn to varied ideas and teem with creative ways to approach them. Writing magazine articles for many different kinds of magazines, and on many different topics, will help you avoid the feeling of slogging along through the same topic month after month as you write your book.

#7 –  Improvement of Craft: Hal Hostetler (former editor of Guideposts and Saturday Evening Post) claimed that writing devotionals was the best discipline a writer could have. In general, the shorter the piece, the harder it is to write. While most magazine articles are longer than the average devotional, they are all much shorter than a book. Thus, a final benefit to writing for periodicals is that it helps sharpen your writing skills in general.

That, in a very large nutshell, is why even a novelist or nonfiction author might consider writing magazine articles. Maybe the writer will be intrigued enough to give up the book altogether. Most likely, you will use what can be gained from writing for magazines to produce a much better book.


For over 24 years, Associate Editor Susan King has served at The Upper Room, a daily-devotional magazine that reaches millions of readers in more than 100 countries. One of her greatest joys has been representing The Upper Room every year at several of 23 different Christian writers’ conferences in the U.S. and Canada.

We’re so happy to have her on faculty at the May 15-18 Colorado Christian Writers Conference. She will teach the continuing session, “Making It Look Easy!” This 6-hour class will focus on achieving excellent style in any genre. Readers don’t care what you write if they can’t tolerate how it is written. Do you want to write with such sparkle and verve that you’ll knock the socks off editors? In this crash course in the essential elements of good style for any genre, you will come away with concrete tools for self-editing to produce polished works that will please readers and broadcast to editors and publishers that you are a consummate wordsmith. One of the goals of this class is to produce an excellent devotional to submit to The Upper Room magazine.

Other magazine editors on faculty at this year’s CCWC include:

  • Karen Bouchard – Editor, Power for Living
  • Debbie Hardy – Representative, ChristianDevotions.us
  • Kate Jameson – Assistant Editor, Clubhouse Jr.
  • Sherri Langton – Associate Editor, Bible Advocate, Now What? e-zine, and Churchright
  • Rick Marschall – Editor, Innovative Health Magazine
  • Linda Evans Shepherd – Publisher, Leading Hearts Magazine and Arise Daily, e-devotional
  • Karen Whiting – representative, The Kid’s Ark

4 pics

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Barb Haley apr 2016 cropped

Guest Blogger
Barbara Haley
Registrar &
Appointment Coordinator
Colorado & Greater Philly
Christian Writers Conference

I was ten years old when I asked God to show me if He was real. The next day my sixteen-year-old sister was killed in an automobile accident. God was real. I shouldn’t have asked.

Of course, I didn’t tell anyone. Instead, I stuffed the guilt and the excruciating pain when my parents said things to me like, “You may look like her, but you’ll never be as good as her.” Or, “Comb your hair a different way; I can’t stand to look at you.”

Thirty-five years later, I finally opened up to a therapist. He sent me home to write a letter to my big sister from the point of view of a ten-year-old child.

After just a few sentences, my heart connected with the hurting little girl inside, and she began to voice her pain. Begging forgiveness from her precious older sister for causing her death. Suggesting that everyone would have been better off if only she could have died in her sister’s place that day. And finally, admitting how very much she hated God for what He’d done.

My next letter was to that sweet child—explaining to her that she didn’t cause her sister’s death and that God was not angry with her for her honest feelings and reactions. I released that child to be exactly that. A broken and confused child who desperately needed to know she was loved by God and family.

That writing changed my life and instilled in me a desire to learn how to use my life experiences to minister to others through the written word.

But I needed to learn how to write tight. To eliminate wordiness. To organize my thoughts. To connect emotionally with the reader. To stick to one point of view. To create a setting that captures the reader’s imagination and transfers them from their everyday life to an exciting new story world.

Writing conferences. This is where I’m learning the craft. Where I connect with other writers to encourage and be encouraged. Where I receive one-on-one feedback with paid critiques. And where God speaks clearly to my heart through inspiring worship and keynote speakers, informative workshops and continuing sessions, life-changing editor appointments, and most of all—the day to day rapport with fellow writers while sharing meals, waiting in line at the book table, or joining together for intimate prayer and Bible study.

Sure, you can buy books about the craft of writing. My shelves are loaded with them. But only when I began to consistently attend conferences did I really improve as a writer. I needed the immediate feedback and the hands-on practice provided in small groups led by experienced teachers. I grew in leaps and bounds as I jotted down strategies mentioned by other writers and began implementing them in my own writing. And, as I stood amazed, listening to big-name authors share their overwhelmingly deep love for God and His people, I realized just how sacred the ministry of writing is.

Let me encourage you to come and grow in your ministry as a writer at the July 26-28 Greater Philly Christian Writers’ Conference. The friendships you’ll form will develop into a network of love and support in all areas of your life, and your writing friends will truly become your family. I promise.


Biz AmazonThanks, Barbie, for sharing your heart and for serving as the registrar and appointments coordinator at both the Colorado and the Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference. You are a HUGE blessing! And I love your latest book! (Available on Amazon – click here.)

NOTE: The Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference is celebrating our 35th year of ministry. We’ve moved to a new location, Dock Mennonite Academy just off the Lansdale Exit of the North/South PA Turnpike (I-476). The registration fee increases July 8 so don’t delay. And reserve your room at the Holiday Inn (also by July 8) before our block is released and the price increases.

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LCW SS 2018

A reminder this is the last week of preregistration for Lancaster Christian Writers’ Super Saturday 2018!! on April 7th, 2018, from 8:30am-4:30pm at Lancaster Bible College, 901 Eden Road, Lancaster, PA, 17601. Preregistration of $55 is due by Wednesday, April 4th, and includes soup/sandwich buffet lunch and LCW membership. Registrations after April 4th and walk-ins day of the conference are $65. Seventh-twelfth grade aspiring writers are also welcome at a two-for-one rate, or half-off if accompanying a parent, which includes lunch buffet. Note a few conference updates below:

SCHEDULE:  The conference schedule is now posted on LCW’s webpage, along with workshop and faculty descriptions, flyer, registration, and payment forms (see right column). OR it can be found HERE:

ONE ON ONE FACULTY APPOINTMENTS: A perk of the conference is scheduling fifteen minute appointments to share your work with or pick the brain of a faculty member. We are excited to have two auxiliary faculty, who will not be teaching but will be available throughout the day for appointments:

David E. Fessenden is the publisher for Honeycomb House Publishing LLC, and a literary agent for WordWise Media Services. He has degrees in journalism and theology, and over thirty years of experience in writing, editing, and editorial management for Christian book publishers. A frequent speaker at writers’ conferences, he is also author of seven books, including Writing the Christian Nonfiction Book: Concept to Contract, A Christian Writer’s Guide to the Book Proposal, and The Case of the Exploding Speakeasy.

Donna L.H. Smith is managing editor OF Almost an Author, or A3 (www.almostanauthor.com), which focuses on teaching the craft of writing and helps writers build their very-important platform. In January, A3 was named #6 on the Top 100 Websites for Writers by The Writer Life. A3 is actively acquiring submissions in wide range of genres from fiction to non-fiction to the writer’s life (300—500 words) so bring that piece for an appointment! Donna adds, “We’re a great way to build platform and obtain a publishing cred.”  Donna is also author of Meghan’s Choice, published in 2017.  Please note:

1. Appointments are first come, first served, sign-ups open from 7:30am morning of conference, so plan to get there early if you have a specific faculty signup in mind.
2. Only ONE appointment can be signed up until after the first workshop. A second one can be signed then. After lunch, all available remaining slots are fair game. But be considerate that others also are wanting to meet, and appointment slots are limited.

LOCATION: Conference activities all take place in LBC’s Sebastian Academic Center except lunch, which will be hosted in the Olewine Dining Commons. There will be signs posted to direct you once you are on LBC campus.

BOOK DRAWING/BOOKSTORE:  Each conferee will also receive a ticket for a book drawing, both faculty titles and a wide array of writing books. Keep in mind that the drawing takes place in first half of opening session, so again you will want to be there on time. The good news, if you don’t draw the book you want, they will all be available in the conference bookstore.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR CONFERENCE SET-UP: We do need a few good humans for conference set-up and registration. We will be there from 7am, so any time from 7-8am that volunteers can come early would be HUGELY appreciated. Helping with bookstore set-up and manning registration table are main duties. Bonus is first crack at faculty appointments. ALL volunteer help will be finished before opening session.

More information, including the Super Saturday 2018 Flyer/Registration Form and Press Release can be found at Lancaster Christian Writers Today (http://lancasterchristianwriterstoday.blogspot.com/) OR email LCW president Jeanette Windle at jeanette@jeanettewindle.com. Payment can be made online (http://lancasterchristianwriterstoday.blogspot.com/), or mail check/ money order payable to: Lancaster Christian Writers, c/o Jeanette Windle, 1776 Euclid Drive,
Lancaster, PA 17601

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

P.S. From Marlene – I’ll be there with the Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference bookstore. I’ll also be teaching a workshop, ““Hook ‘em from the Get-go and Hold ‘em to the End.” I hope to see you there!



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poetry in Bible pexels-photo-257013Have you ever attended a workshop on writing poetry?

I never had. In fact, to be honest, I wasn’t interested in reading poetry much less writing it. Okay, of course, I read and loved many of the Psalms. I guess I just didn’t think of them as poems.

But then I took a poetry workshop with David Page at the St. David’s Christian Writers Conference that transformed my thinking and my writing. Since then, I’ve published over 50 poems in numerous Christian periodicals, many of them more than once.

Through the years I’ve offered poetry workshops at the Colorado and Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference. Sadly, they are usually not well attended. This year I hope that will change and that you will seriously consider taking Catherine Lawton’s early bird workshop Wednesday afternoon, May 16, from 1:00 – 2:00 at the Colorado Christian Writers Conference. The cost is only $25 ($15 if you take a second or third early bird workshop). You won’t regret it!

Ten Ways Poetry Can Improve Your Prose
by Catherine Lawton

  1. Writing poetry provides practice in developing skills of concise wording (something we editors like!).
  2. The writing (and reading) of poetry can sharpen your observation skills.
  3. Because syntax matters in poetry, you will improve in your understanding of syntax matters.
  4. Figures of speech used in poetry teach you finer subtleties of word usage and connotations and make you a better wordsmith.
  5. Precision in word choices, necessary in poetry, sharpens your skill in choosing the most fitting, evocative, precise words in your prose.
  6. The rhythms and rhymes of poetry tune your ear to hear fluctuations and patterns in the sense and sound of language.
  7. Writing (or reading) a poem can provide a rejuvenating break from a long writing project. It may even break you out of writers block.
  8. Writing a poem can help you distill a thought, discover the kernel of the truth, and find your focus on a topic to develop more fully later, in prose.
  9. A poem or short rhyme can add variety/spice/interest to a longer piece, when used in an organic way in a novel, memoir, blog post, even an expository piece of writing (and it looks good on the page).
  10. You may possibly find your calling as a poet and discover that your poetry will reach your reader’s mind and heart more effectively than 1,000s of prose words.

Cathy Lawton 2017

Catherine Lawton is an author and co-owner, publisher, and editor at Cladach Publishing that she founded fifteen years ago.

Cathy has enjoyed producing written expression since she was a toddler scribbling in the margins of her preacher-father’s theology books. This desire was encouraged when she had a poem published in a national periodical at the age of  twelve. Cathy is the author, as-told-to author, or compiler/author of four books, including her collection of poetry written throughout her life, Remembering Softly: A Life in Poems. Her writing has appeared in a variety of periodicals.

Cladach is a small royalty press that produces and distributes 2-3 new titles per year and currently has 38 titles in print. Cladach publishes trade paperbacks, ebooks, and some audio books. This family company includes Cathy, her husband, Larry, and their daughter, and they wear all the hats of publisher, editor, design, marketing, sales, and fulfillment. With a BA in English and training in music, Cathy has worked as a substitute teacher in public schools, a private piano teacher, a freelance writer and editor. Cathy finds regular renewal in nature, contemplation, poetry, music, friends, and family.

Cladach is pronounced: Kla’ dak ~ This Scottish Gaelic word means “shore” as in “seashore.” “Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore” (John 21:4). The Lord sends us forth on life’s sea to venture for him, then welcomes us to the safety of his shore; and always He is with us. 

Note from Marlene: Cathy’s workshop is one of 16 Wednesday early bird workshops. I encourage you to subscribe to her blog, “The View from This Publisher’s Shore,” at http://cladach.com/blog.

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I’m risking being a pest because I so believe in the value of this new conference. Plus there is now a 9th reason for you to come!

Come to what? When? Where? The NEW

Write to Impact Lives Conference
February 9-10 in Lansdale, PA

And why?

Question & Exclam pt

9. Writers love books, and they need books! And if you register for both days, along with those who have already registered you will receive FREE the following three books that support the purpose of this conference.

New WHA cover

My Bible study for writers that addresses the struggles we face and must overcome.

Communicate Change Lives

Jim Watkins’ book that I believe every Christian writer needs to read.

CWMG 2018
The info you need to find markets for your work as well as literary agents, writers conferences and seminars, writers groups, editorial services, publicity and marketing services, and contests.

The three books sell for $44.97 on Amazon ($37.99 through the Write His Answer Bookstore), but if you register for the entire conference, you will receive them free of charge (or the equivalent value in other books we’ll have for sale).

8. To give your writing the jumpstart it needs in the midst of the winter doldrums and prepare to meet with editors and agents at the July 26-28 Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference. Attendees will receive 10% off GPCWC’s registration fee .

7. To participate in our Friday evening author interviews and book signing. If you’re not yet published, you’ll be encouraged by their testimony and by fellowship with other conferees and our faculty. We need to

Encourage each other and build each other up,
just as you are already doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT

6. To be challenged, encouraged, and inspired through three powerful keynote addresses.

  • “Christians Are Hateful” – The Cultural Challenge for Today’s Christians – Bill Watkins
  • Write from the Deep – Karen Ball
  • Keeping Your Dreams Alive – Jim Watkins

5. To discover the advantages of Going Indie with Sarah Bolme, Director, Christian Small Publishers Association (CSPA). Self-publishing is no longer viewed as the last resort for writers unable to land a contract with a traditional publisher. Even best-selling authors often choose to go indie. This 4-hour learning lab will give you the knowledge and tools you need to publish and market your book.

4. To keep growing your writing skills in a 3-hour continuing session.

  • Taming Fiction Dragons with Karen Ball who has built fiction lines for Tyndale, Multnomah, Zondervan, and B&H Publishing Group. As an editor, author, and former literary agent with The Steve Laube Agency, Karen has over 30 years publishing experience.
  • The Five Rs of Nonfiction with Jim Watkins, an award-winning author of over 20 books and 2,000 articles. Jim will give you practical, step-by-step methods to get into print and pixels.
  • Writing that Changes Lives with Bill Watkins – Writing that connects, challenges, provokes, inspires, casts vision, provides hope, and refuses to back away from telling the truth can change lives and eventually cultures. During his 35-plus years in publishing, Bill has worked with hundreds of authors including Chuck Swindoll, Josh McDowell, Leslie Vernick, and Mike Huckabee. He is also an award-winning author with 7 published books, the president of Literary Solutions, and senior editor at BroadStreet Publishing Group.
  • Develop a Personalized Marketing Strategy for Your Book with Karen Whiting, an award-winning author of 25 nonfiction books. Whether it’s still an idea or an already published book, learn how to use your strengths to develop a marketing strategy that fits you and reaches your potential readers.

3. To learn ways to build your “platform.”  Whether you land a contract with a traditional publisher or go indie, you need to learn how to effectively reach your audience. Our faculty panel will share what works (and doesn’t) and answer your questions.

2. You’re too late to take advantage of a paid critique, BUT as their schedule allows, faculty will be available for free 15-minute appointments. Sign-up when you arrive.

1. Last but first, to hear from the Lord and recommit yourself to write to impact lives!

God can do anything, you know—far more
than you could ever imagine or guess or request
in your wildest dreams!
Ephesians 3:20 MSG

For more information and to register, click here. Walk-ins are welcome, but please check the website for specific info on the location.

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